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U14 Red and U8 Red Goalkeepers take on BDGK Wars 2021

U14 Red and U8 Red Goalkeepers take on BDGK Wars 2021

Gary Taubert7 Jul 2021 - 19:52
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Louis & Finley represent Pumas in style!!!

Proud Puma Coach
- Gary Taubert

Hi everyone,

So the first ever BDGK Goalkeeper Wars took place on Sunday 4th July.
Louis of the U14s Red team and Finley of the U8s Red team took on the challenge.
The event was made up of top draw goalkeepers throughout each age group with some superb performances witnessed across the day.

The set up was a block of group games where all goalkeepers competed against each other before moving on to quarter final and semi final knockout rounds followed by the finale.

The format was 5 minute games, with each goalkeeper taking in turns to try and score in the opposing goals by using there distribution techniques such as throwing, drop kicking and striking the ball from the ground. In the opposing goal the goalkeeper was tasked with using their goalkeeping skills to prevent the net from rattling behind them.
It was fast paced and gave the Pumas stoppers a chance to showcase their skills and boy did they do that.

I was lucky enough to watch our U14s goalkeeper Louis all day and was blown away by his performance, his attitude and his desire to showcase himself.
Louis really did himself proud and as his coach I couldn’t be more proud of his performance.
In all honesty three days later I keep finding myself thinking about the performance and smiling but that’s pride for you.
He deservedly brought home the trophy with an exceptional display all day which was capped off with an incredible display in the final.

Whilst at the tournament I was keeping track of Finley of the U8 Red team and was kept up to speed with his progress by the organiser Ben who had nothing but praise for Finley.
Finley also made it to the final with an excellent performance throughout the day.
To reiterate the level of goalkeeping was superb and to make it to the Final is no mean feat believe me.
Finley should be proud of himself for doing such a fantastic job.

Unlike team tournaments these lads are competing alone 1v1 and with every weather condition making an appearance on the day, the challenge was tougher but these two lads should be extremely proud of themselves as am I of them and as is the entire Puma family I’m sure.

Well done lads you represented yourselves and the Pumas fantastically.
Go Pumas!!!

Further reading