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Team Travel to The Nou Camp, Barcelona

Team Travel to The Nou Camp, Barcelona

Mike Powell1 Jul 2020 - 06:20
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June Challenge Inspires u12 Black Team

At the start of June, the XBox's and playstaions were becoming a major fixture of lockdown.
The boys needed a challenge, get them out excercising. We move to 11 a side next season and lockdown, coupled with no training, meant the boys wouldnt be ready.

So the challenge was made.
A group message was sent, a competitive league table drawn up, parents on board. Best of all was the enthusiasm from the team.

The challenge set on 1st June was as a team, I asked the team to walk, run, swim or cycle the length of the UK. This was 1000km, for 11 and 12 year olds, a long way.

As an incentive, a league table was made, it gave the boys the drive needed, as it made it competitive.
Points were awarded, 1 point per km walked or biked, 3 points per km ran and 5km per km swam (yes, points were awarded for swimming).
Prizes to be awarded to category winners.

From day one, the team responded amazingly well.Tthroughout the 1st week, times were getting quicker.
Everyday a pattern emerged of what exercise schedules the boys had set, what fitted in around other things.
In just over 17 days, the team had traveled the length of the UK. It was an amazing achievement.

Lets push them harder..........
A new target was set, travel from Pumas Lair at Cardea to the Nou Camp stadium, Barcelona. A MASSIVE DISTANCE OF 1626KM.

The leader board looked incredible with distances on runs increasing, becoming quicker. The boys clearly getting fitter.

The team plugged on through the month grinding away at the total. It came down to the wire.
Every day the team were getting closer.

One 30th June, (the last day of the month and challenge) at approx 21:30 the boys crossed the finish line at the Nou Camp, Barcelona.
No wild celebrations, think they were all a bit too tired.

Its an incredible achievement and one the boys should be proud to have achieved.
1626km in a month from Park Farm to Nou Camp

Further reading